“The real thing”
Exhibition view
Juliao Sarmento
5 february 2010
The Alessandra Bonomo Art Gallery is pleased to announce the solo exhibition of the Portuguese artist Julião Sarmento. The exhibition presents a new series of paintings and drawings, alongside an installation that the artist has especially created for the gallery space. Sarmento’s works, which mostly concentrate on the female figure and on the spectres of desire, make use of different artistic means: from drawings to photography, from videos to installations. The artist presents us with works where the aesthetics of the fragment becomes a fundamental and evocative stylistic signature. The female body, an icon that bears multifaceted significance, is only displayed in part – through partial frames that unveil elaborate horizons of sense. In fact, the artist affirms that: “After all, to be human is to desire, to constantly imagine or create what we cannot see or experience”.

“The real thing”
Exhibition views