Graeme Todd

EXHIBITIONS: 2018  2013  2006  2002

Nato a Glasgow, Scozia nel 1962
Vive e lavora a Edimburgo



2015 – The View from Now Here, Eagle gallery, Londra, UK
2013 – New Works, Galleria Allesandra Bonomo, Roma, Italia
2012 – New Works, Guestroom, Bruxeelles, Belgio
2010 – Blank Frank, Mummery + Schnelle, Londra, UK
2009 – Other Side Of The Sky, Gallerie Brigitte Weiss, Zurigo, Svizzera
2009 – Guest Room, Bruxeelles, Belgio
2007 – K.W.A.N.G, Galerie Brigitte Weiss, Zurigo, Svizzera
2006 – Galerie S65, Colonia, Germania
2007 – Galleria Alessandra Bonomo, Roma, Italia
2005 – Hanshin Loop, Andrew Mummery Gallery, Londra, UK
2005 – Galerie Brigitte Weiss, Zurigo, Svizzera
2005 – The Seeing Field, Edinburgh Printmakers Gallery, Edimburgo, Scozia
2004 – Osaka Contemporary Art Centre, Osaka, Giappone
2004 – Angles Gallery, Santa Monica, USA
2003 – Andrew Mummery Gallery, London Galerie Brigitte Weiss, Zurigo, Svizzera
2002 – Galleria Alessandra Bonomo, Roma, Italia
2002 – Kunsthaus, Glarus, Svizzera
2002 – Galleria Bonomo, Bari, Italia
2001 – Andrew Mummery Gallery, Londra, UK
2001 – Galerie Brigitte Weiss, Zurigo, Svizzera
2000 – Gallery Side 2, Tokyo, Giapponee
2000 – Landscapes, Galleria Alessandra Bonomo, Roma, Italia
2000 – Mount Hiddenabbys, Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh and Leeds Metropolitan University Gallery, Leeds, UK
1998 – Andrew Mummery Gallery, Londra, UK
1997 – From Not Island Made Island, the changing room, Stirling, UK
1994 – Collective Gallery, Edimburgo, Scozia
1993 – Bower, Pier Arts Centre, Stromness, Scozia



2014 – Young and Fun: Abstraction, Bridgette Mayer Gallery Philadelphia, USA
2013 – Between The Late and The Early, The Royal Scottish Academy of Art and Architecture, Edimburgo, Scozia
2013 – Steep Trail, mostra itinerante: St Andrews Museum, Fife, Edimburgo, Scozia
2013 – A Parliament of Lines, Pier Arts Centre, Orkney, Scotland RMIT Gallery, Melbourne, Australia
2012 – A Parliament of Lines, City Art Centre, Edimburgo, Scozia, viaggia nel 2013 a Pier Arts Centre, (catalogo di Charles Esche e Gavin Morrison) Orkney RMIT Gallery, Melbourne, Australia
2011 – The Fire Part of Fire, OutBy Gallery, Fife, Scozia
2008 – Karmic Abstraction, Bridgette Mayer Gallery, Phiadelphia, USA
2008 – Bilderwahl! Im Dickicht der Städte, Kunsthaus Zürich, Zürich, Svizzera
2008 – Recent Acquisitions, Kunsthaus Zürich, Svizzera
2008 – Zurich Roma/London, Laure Gennillard Gallery, Londra, UK
2007 – Deeper Still (con Liz Adamson), Sleeper, Edimburgo, Scozia
2005 – Cities and Eyes, Eagle Gallery, Londra, UK
2005 – Twilight, Galleria Alessandro de March, Milano, Italia
2004 – Remarkable, Andrew Mummery Gallery, Londra, UK
2001 – New, Recent Acquisitions of Contemporary British Art, Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edimburgo, Scozia
2001 – Prima Facie: New Abstract Painting, Angles Gallery, Santa Monica, USA
2001 – The Embarkation for Cythera, Andrew Mummery Gallery, Londra, UK
1999 – Open Country, Musee Cantonal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne, Svizzera
1999 – Playground, Galeria Pedro Cera, Lisbona, Portogallo
1998 – British Art Part 2: Painting, Galerie Diehl Vorderwuelbecke, Berlino, Germania
1998 – Movin’ On Up, Andrew Mummery Gallery, Londra, UK
1997 – River Deep Mountain High, Gallery Westland Place, Londra, UK
1994 – A Different View, Andrew Mummery 33 Great Sutton Street, Londra, UK
1993 – Swarm, Scottish Arts Council mostra itinerante, Jokkmokomun, Jokkmok, Svezia, Malmberget, Svezia
1993 – The Persistence of Painting, Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow, Scozia
1990 – 3 + 3 + 3, Fruitmarket Gallery, Edimburgo, Scozia
1990 – Galleri 54, Goteborg, Svezia



Allianz-Versicherungs-AG, Unterföhring, Germania
Arts Council of England, Inghilterra, Scoozia, Galles
City Arts Centre, Edimburgo, Scozia
Fleming-Wyfold Art Foundation, Londra, UK
Kunsthaus Glarus, Svizzera
Kunsthaus Zurigo, Svizzera
McManus Galleries, Dundee, Scozia
Migros Museum, Zurigo, Svizzera
Peter Stuyvesant Foundation, Amsterdam, Olanda
Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edimburgo, Scozia
Simmons & Simmons, Londra, UK
UK Government Art Collection, UK



2004 – ART-EX Artist in Residency Programme, Osaka Contemporary Art Centre, Osaka Tokyo, Giappone
1999 – IAAB Residency, Basilea, Svizzera



1989-1990 – John Florent Stone scholar, Edinburgh College of Art, Edimburgo, Scozia
1979-1985 – Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, Dundee, Scozia